Thank you
‘You discovered me, right? You’re the Columbus to my America!’
A song we’ve been playing live for a while now that keeps people puzzled oftentimes. I can see people’s looks in the audience: ’Is… Is… she… dissing us... ? Is...she...serious right now…?
This song is a cheeky and cynical revenge for all the unwanted, unsolicited opinions some people generously offer us. Making music, being an artist and connecting to an audience doesn’t mean you feel invincible and are open to anyone’s critique…
A song we’ve been playing live for a while now that keeps people puzzled oftentimes. I can see people’s looks in the audience: ’Is… Is… she… dissing us... ? Is...she...serious right now…?
This song is a cheeky and cynical revenge for all the unwanted, unsolicited opinions some people generously offer us. Making music, being an artist and connecting to an audience doesn’t mean you feel invincible and are open to anyone’s critique…
- So when we asked for an informal talk with a lawyer to make inquiries for our planning application, he ended the conversation (which was more of a monologue) with “So your last name… I didn’t know what would open the door, maybe something Asian, but You look fine”. I mustered all my strength to reply: "My mother is Belgian, my father is Chinese”. He then replied with: “Miss you are a succesful cross-breed”. As if I am a dog.
- Thank you, dear manager, for telling me I did well… being a girl and all… in finance… And thank you, when I told you I was excited about the training I was about to give, for replying you were happy to have gotten me “excited”.
- I am a DJ, and at the height of the pandemic after a year I wasn't working I was told by my cousin: "You know, I'm finding it so hard to find a good plumber these days. Maybe you should consider being a plumber." Thanks for the value you put on my 15-year career in music. Thanks for advice. No offense to plumbers, obviously!
Oh, thank youNo thank you
No no no really thank you
Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me this
This is a real eye opener
Yeah, you’re right, this doesn’t look good on me
And maybe I should ditch the blonde wig
That’s such a good idea
Tell me, what would you like to see me in then?
Couldn’t have done this without you
And your opinion
Enlighten me, with your vision
I count my blessings
Yes I prefer my first EP too!
Uhuh, maybe I should make it less complex
Two projects, one artist, jeez, What the hell was I even thinking?
My inspiration comes from you,
Oh what an honour
I am not worthy of your kindness
Noble intentions
Thank you so much for this opportunity
Yes, this is really good exposure for us
And exposure shouldn’t have a price, right?
‘Cause money doesn’t rhyme with creativity
Couldn’t have done this without you
And your opinion
Enlighten me, with your vision
I count my blessings
I wouldn’t have made it this far without you
Yeah, you see my true potential
And you discovered me, right?
You’re the Columbus to my America
My inspiration comes from you,
Oh what an honour
I am not worthy of your kindness
And noble intentions
Couldn’t have done this without you
And your opinion
Enlighten me, with your vision
I count my blessings
Enough enough enough enough enough enough enough about me,
How about you?
Actually I should know better than this,
And frankly, I don’t wanna sound bitter
It goes against everything I stand for
But it’s easy, instantly satisfying
I know I’m being kind of passive aggressive right now
‘Cause you can’t tell me anything when I’m on my throne
This is the Royal Revenge
Even if this is our swan song
and we’ll be stepping down soon
No thank you,
No no no no really thank you
I am humbled by your presence
I feel honoured to be part of this
I really appreciate this
I feel so blessed
Thank you
Thank you
Enough enough enough enough enough enough enough about me,
How about you?